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Not as planned 1 - Katsuki Bakugo

A/B/O Verse

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They get back to UA and the students talk with Ian about killing. Komplett anzeigen


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The soldiers were the first to move. Mai-Li walked over to Kairi and nudged the lifeless body with her foot. “Damn, Kairi, one time, can you stay alive during a mission for one time?”

Ian next to her scoffed. “Nah, this would be too easy. You know, she actually died during the last mission too …”

Mai-Li rolled her eyes and kicked Kairi in the side. “What a stupid fucking bitch.”


Aizawa and the rest of the students finally arrived. They were clearly shocked by what they saw. Kyoka and Miles came down as well, and Kyoka immediately went to Denki, she hugged him tight and the tears flowed over. She was so shocked, because Miles heart rate was always calm, even when he shot his wife, he was absolutely cold and this was terrifying to her.

The members of the Garo family were loaded into the vehicles. Shigaraki and everyone else were loaded into the police wagons, police had finally arrived. The new coming students were all utterly confused as to what had gone down here.

They were even more shocked, when they saw Kairi on the ground, and how casually Miles picked her up on one leg and carried her away.

The other students walked over to their classmates and tried to give them emotional support. It wasn’t easy though …

Dabi was brought to UA as well. Recovery Girl should check him and the baby out. Besides, Endeavor had requested to talk to him.


Izuku walked straight to his room and locked the door behind him. He was still very distraught and he needed time to think about everything. The bite marks on his neck itched awfully.

Shoto was with his father, Dabi and Hawks. They talked about everything that had gone down. His siblings, as well as his mother were informed too.

The other students had gathered in the common room, they filled the others in at what had happened. They were equally as shocked as them. “I can’t believe it. This is all so terrible, ribbit” Tsuyu mumbled.

“How could the HPSC let this happen?” Momo asked. “How could they hire killers?”

“I don’t know” Tenya murmured. He was just exhausted.

Katsuki sat on one of the couches, he leaned against Eijiro, Ochako was next to Katsuki and Mina was on Eijiro’s other side.

Denki and Kyoka were next to Hitoshi, they both hugged him, he was on a mental low. He had seen the most deaths after all.

“What do you think will happen to the Garo’s now?” Toru asked.

“They are being transferred to Thailand, and what happens after that … who knows? But I’m not so sure that they will live.” Momo answered.

“Where is, I don’t know, Ian? He could answer some questions? Or Jesper?” Hanta suggested.

“Jesper is with Kairi, she’s still out, Ian, I don’t know” Eijiro mumbled. “I think he went to the showers.”

“That’s about thirty minutes by now, that’s a long shower” Ochako noted. Eijiro just shrugged.

“He could already be out, that was just the last time I saw him.” The redhead sighed.

“Hm, no, he’s still in there” Katsuki mumbled.

“How do you know?” Mina asked.

“I …” Katsuki looked confused. “I don’t know, I just feel it” he furrowed his brows.

“Weird, but okay.” She sighed.

They sat there in silence for a few more minutes. They all just stared into nothingness and were deep into their own thoughts.

Eventually, Ian walked over to them, his hair was still dripping wet. He sat next to Mina on the couch. He seemed pretty exhausted too. “I apologize” he mumbled after a while.

“What for?” Tenya asked.

“For the things you had to witness today. I know that killing is completely against everything you stand for.”

Hitoshi looked up to him. He exploded. “Yeah, it fucking is! And why the hell, why the fucking hell, did you have to kill all the werewolves? It would have been enough to just K.O. them but no, you went all out on them, they didn’t even have the chance to do anything!” he stood up and walked over to Ian. His fangs grew bigger.

The prime alpha sighed. “Because I was on a mission, and this is how we handle missions. I’m a mercenary, not a hero.” His voice was tired.

“Yeah, I saw that today! You know that this is fucked up? You kill people like it’s nothing! Are you not affected by that in the slightest? Because I know, that I will have fucking nightmares because of that shit!” He was really pissed off and his voice dropped.

The others looked over to Ian, they waited for his answer. Katsuki had his eyes fixated on him.

Ian exhaled. “No, I am not affected by it any more. In the very beginning I was, but not now. While I’m on a mission, I don’t feel anything. I simply can’t allow myself to feel something. It’s part of the job. You get used to killing, just like that.” Ian snapped with his fingers once. Some of the students flinched at the sudden sound.

“God damn, that’s fucking awful” Hanta said.

“Do you really, never regret killing someone?” Ochako asked.

The prime scoffed. “Of course I regret it sometimes. There are a few kills that I wish I didn’t have to do … But when you are in active combat, you can’t just decide to not kill someone.” He furrowed his brows. “I … I guess I chose the wrong words. It’s not easy to talk about stuff like that. While I’m on a mission I stop thinking about it, but sometimes it comes back to me afterwards.”

“Well must be pretty easy to kill people you don’t know” Hitoshi’s voice was dripping with sarcasm. “Have you ever witnessed someone die, that you knew? Aside from your mother?”

“Yes, my best friend.” Ian said in a cold voice. This caught everyone off guard. “We were in Africa. On the border of Libya to Shangola, we were stationed next to Ma’tan as-Sarra. Libya was one of the few states that actively rebelled against the dictator Shango, they hired us to help defend the border. My best friend Radu was with us. He was also a Romanian soldier who joined our group. We were in some of the ruins, waiting for the enemy, but they ambushed us, they had stealth quirks and our senses were completely useless. Radu got shot in the head right next to me. I saw it happen but there was nothing I could do. He was dead immediately.” He exhaled shakily. “You see, when you’re in this robotic mode, you just don’t allow yourself to feel, you just work. It’s like … a waitress, who works nonstop in a busy restaurant. It’s mechanical, you know what to do. Sometimes you have annoying customers but you just keep going. Only after your shift is done, you have time to think about it. And sometimes you’re like ‘Fuck, this really happened’ …”

“Wow, that’s tough …” Katsuki mumbled. He thought about his feelings when he believed that Deku could have died today. He didn’t want to imagine it.

“That is so awful … I would start to cry if any of us were killed” Mina hugged herself.

“It’s not a bad thing, at least you are honest with your emotions. You guys really should see a therapist for this. It fucked me up beyond repair and I don’t want this happen to you.”

“What was with your panic attack after you delivered the baby? You seemed really out of it?” Hitoshi asked. He was now sitting again. He was so exhausted.

“Wait, you delivered the baby, ribbit?” Tsuyu asked.

“Yeah, I did. You see, Hitoshi, I am really not good with babies, the mere thought of holding one scares me to death” he lifted his hands. “These hands killed so many people, sometimes I see blood on them, even if they are clean, and I am terrified that I could corrupt something so pure like a newborn. Besides, after that, my hands were full of blood, it terrified me. That’s one of the reasons I don’t want a child of my own. I’m a monster and I’m not sure if I deserve something like this in the first place.”

“You see yourself as a monster?” Tenya asked.

“Yes, everyone of the group is, at least in my eyes. Hell, almost everyone in this fucking city of ours is a fucking monster. We are killers, and there’s no denying it. While I do not enjoy the act of killing itself, I do it nonetheless. I make my money with killing people so … yeah. Mother calls us the living dead. We walk in the shadows, envious of the people on the bright side, normal people …”

“Well, but isn’t it kinda your fault, for killing in the first place? I mean were there not other options for you?” Kyoka asked.

Ian shrugged. “It’s not that easy. You see, we grew up in Batoh, a big district of New Bangkok. About thirty years ago, Thailand was overrun with refugees from both, China and Russia during the big Russian-Chinese war. About twenty years ago, more people came in during the first wave of the African war when Shango first came to power. But not just civilians came into the city, no, soldiers too. Some who had deserted some who where kicked out under other circumstances. Also criminals, loads and loads of criminals. The city is a big shit hole and killing and other criminal activities are on a daily. Batoh is ruled by criminals, they have the government in their hands. But, unlike people like Loup-Garou, they are not interested in going public with it. They only care for their city, they want to keep it out of the news. Some French refugees came into the city too, so that’s that. Growing up in this pile of flaming garbage wasn’t easy, but you got used to it. You toughen up. So, you see, I didn’t really have a choice in what I wanted to become. I just followed my mother’s footsteps.”

Momo and Kyoka looked at each other. “But, then it is clearly your mothers fault for living in a city like that! Why didn’t she choose to leave, when she knew she was pregnant? You can’t tell me, that she didn’t have any other choice?!” Kyoka pressed.

“I don’t know, she just says this city is her home, and it is mine, too. So yeah.” He shrugged again.

“That’s probably the problem” Hitoshi grumbled. “Your mother said you lived as a beta for a couple of years? Why that?”

Ian tensed. “Got kidnapped when I was sixteen, after I presented as prime. They held me hostage for about two weeks, they wanted my prime alpha essence, for what ever. And they wanted my blood to make drugs out of it. When I was saved, I decided to live as a beta … but it always bothered me, I’m a prime, not a beta. Why the hell should I live in fear? That’s when I trained and got stronger.”

“Oh my god, I’m sorry” Momo murmured.

“Hm, what’s done is done. It’s not worth to talk about the past. But it’s sufficed to say, it didn’t help my mental state.” Katsuki looked at him. So, he got kidnapped too … Katsuki knew first hand how it felt. And he was only gone for not even three days. And the League wanted to recruit him, so they didn’t physically harm him. Still, it had fucked up his mind pretty badly. He of course refused therapy because he thought it was a weakness – it was stupid, he knew that now.

Before he knew what he was doing, he slipped out of Eijiro’s and Ochako’s embrace and walked over to Ian, he sat next to him and leaned one him. “I know that feeling, being kidnapped and all.”

“Sorry to hear that.” Ian patted Katsuki’s head.

“But I don’t think you are a monster. If you’re not on a mission, you are completely different. You’re nice and you try to help people, you wouldn’t do that, if you were a monster.” Katsuki said. The others looked at him baffled.

“Thanks, I appreciate it, Kacchan.” He gave him a small smile. He then looked over to Hitoshi. “I would really advise therapy for that. It does help somewhat.” Hitoshi growled a little.

“What happens to the Garo’s now?” Tenya questioned.

“They will stay with us for a while, in police custody. They will be judged according to the crimes they did in Batoh. The sheep girl, Marjolaine will probably go ‘free’. It was her first time on a mission, and she was actually only here to keep an eye out for the omegas. She will probably go to a special home where she will be watched.”

“So … you don’t kill them?” Mina asked.

“No! That’s not what is planned, especially not with the girl. Jules on the other hand has done pretty bad things, I don’t know what will happen to him. My family and I will by the way go in two days. Kairi should be good to go by then.”

The others didn’t answer something to that. “Anyway, I should go upstairs. Kacchan, could you – or anyone else – look out for Izuku?”

“Of course, I wanted to talk to him anyways.” Katsuki nodded.

“Good, he needs it now, more than anything.” Ian stood up and walked away, up to his room.

Katsuki cleared his throat. “Uh, Eijiro, Ochako, Mina, can you come with me? To make sure nothing happens?”

Eijiro raised his eyebrows. “Sure, bro” he got up as well.

“Of course, I want to talk to Deku as well” Ochako followed.

“Yeah, we’re here for Izubro!” Mina jumped up and together they made their way to Izuku’s room.

Tenya watched after them. At least Katsuki didn’t go alone into an alphas room … he had learned his lesson.

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