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Hawks finds Dabi on a rooftop. Endeavor speaks with Savage. And Denki and Katsuki have a little chat. Komplett anzeigen


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Arc 2: A Few Conversations

Hawks flew over the city. He just left Endeavor’s agency. He had tried to calm the man down, but it was hard. He was so enraged that he took the case to find the second alpha. He would talk with Savage tomorrow. Hawks would – again – accompany him.

The winged hero spotted something on top of a building. He changed course and landed seconds later on the roof. “Whatcha doing here?” The hero asked the other person. He hadn’t seen him in a while.

Dabi’s gaze was cold. He sat at the edge of the roof, feet dangling over it. “None of your business,” he growled a little. Damn, he was pissed off too.

“Hmpf, c’mon! You can tell me. I am a good therapist,” Hawks teased.

Dabi snarled. “Don’t make me laugh …” he was not amused.

Hawks’ wings rustled a bit in the wind. He sat down next to Dabi. “No, seriously! You can talk to me. I had to calm down a pissed-off alpha. So I can handle an omega,” he said.

“Tch …” Dabi sniffed. “Urgh, you reek …”

“Oh, sorry, yeah. Endeavor can be a bit much.”

“Endeavor?” Dabi growled, his eyes full of hatred. “Why was he pissed off?” There was a slight hint of curiosity in his voice.

“His son got bitten and is now fucking crazy. Shoto is an alpha, you know … He doesn’t like that.” Hawks knew Shoto was a heta, but he wasn’t stupid, so he would not tell that to a villain.

Dabi’s head shot around. His eyes were wide. “What?!”

“Yeah, it was kinda my fault. I let the girl slip past me … Shoto and three other alphas turned completely feral.”

Dabi stared at him. “Fucking hell, so that’s what happened …”

“Huh? What do you mean?” Hawks looked confused.

“Ah … Shigaraki is acting strange lately … he said he was bitten by some omega chick about three months ago. He was batshit crazy for a while, and we had to lock him up. It’s better now, but he is still more aggressive than usual …”

“Oh! Shit … that doesn’t sound good.”

“It really isn’t…”

Hawks was kind of relieved. Three months to get a little better? He had to relay the information to UA at some point. If someone as unstable as Shigaraki could get better, then it was more than possible for the students to do the same.

The wind turned, and Hawks got hit with Dabi’s scent. He sniffed the air, and his eyes widened. “You …”

Dabi shot him a glare. “I better go now.” With that, the villain stood up, turned around, and headed for the door. He seemed in a hurry all of a sudden.

Hawks looked after him. Huh, who would have thought …



The following day, the students could finally return to their dorm rooms. Everyone was glad that UA was so damn quick with repairing stuff. They just hoped they could fix their friends equally quickly.

Midnight was standing in front of Izuku again. They would do this routine regularly; they needed to train him, after all. He looked her in the eyes and growled deeply. “Let me go!” he tried to control her again.

“No, you naughty boy. I only let you go if you behave!” She said.

“Fucking bitch, let me go!” He was instantly pissed off again. He threw himself against the restraints.

“You failed. More self-control, please.” With that, she sent him back to sleep.

After that, she moved to Shinso. They had given him a mask so that he couldn’t speak. He had tried to mind-control some of the staff. He looked at her with hatred in his red-glowing eyes.

She stared at him. “Will you behave?”

He glared at her, and a low growl escaped him. The mask muffled it. “Too bad then.” Midnight sighed and put him back to sleep.

Kirishima was very compliant this time. He didn’t throw a fit when she entered. Instead, he looked at her with normal eyes. “What about you? Are you a good boy today?” Her voice was teasing.

But Eijiro kept still. He looked at her and tilted his head a little. After that, he lowered it a bit, but his gaze never left hers.

She raised an eyebrow, was that progress? She didn’t believe it one bit. But she was testing him now. She reached for the restraint on his left arm. She was closely watching him. She opened the cuffs. “You’ll keep your hand still!” she ordered him.

This seemed to upset him, however. “Fucking bitch!” His free arm grabbed her by the throat. Midnight released her aroma, and soon Eijiro fell asleep. She scoffed and tied his hand again. She knew it …

She moved on to Shoto. “Will you behave?” But the low, threatening growl was enough for her to know that he wouldn’t.

She left him, too, and met up with Mic. He was watching her from the other side of the glass. “That is pretty messed up,” he mumbled.

“Yeah, you tell me.” She scoffed again and rubbed her throat. “This might take a while until they calm down.”

“Yes. If ever. I mean, how much can we trust that woman?”

“But you commanded her.”

“She still can talk bull. It’s not a truth serum …”

“I know … I wonder what Endeavor will find out. Or maybe I should discipline her …”

Mic looked at her. He raised an eyebrow. “If nothing other helps, sure …”

“What about the pup of yours? Is she making progress?”

“She is, but I wouldn’t try it on humans yet. She barely got over Chisaki, and to hear that she can’t see Deku any longer upset her greatly. She is eager to learn, though.”

“Hm, good, that’s at least something,” Midnight looked to Midoriya. Her face was very deep in thought.

“What are you thinking, Nemuri?” Hizashi asked.

“About Midoriya, something is really strange … I mean, you can feel the power of his command, right? I am not the only one, no?”

“No, I felt it too. It wasn’t strong enough, but it was definitely there. Besides, he clearly commanded the other alphas and betas. So, what’s up with that?” Hizashi focused on Midoriya too. Now sleeping, he didn’t look dangerous at all. But his whole demeanor changed as soon as he woke up.

“Could it be …?” Midnight murmured.

“Who knows … That thought is scary, though …”

“It definitely is. Especially if he is uncontrolled.”



Endeavor and Hawks waited in the interrogation room for the captured villain. Endeavor was still very angry and impatient while Hawks tried his best to calm him down. He still had the meeting with Dabi in mind.

The door finally opened, and a policeman brought her into the room. She looked tired; she was fully bound to the chair she was sitting on.

She lifted her gaze to the number one and two pro heroes. A wild grin spread over her face.

“Ah, such an honor, the number one hero … And how are you doing, Number Two? Did the knife do any serious damage?”

“Shut your trap and only talk if I ask you something!” Endeavor shouted.

Hawks got goosebumps when he heard the authority in his voice. He looked over to the older hero.

Savage shuddered slightly, and she shifted in her seat. But she let out a comfortable-sounding purr. How could she be this relaxed? Hawks wondered.

“What’s your name?” Endeavor started.

“Savage,” She answered.

“Your real name!”

“It is my real name. My alpha told me I would be Savage from now on, so I am.”

“Tch! Whatever. Who is your alpha?”


“That’s the guy who got captured too?”


“Was he bitten by you?”


“Why is he somewhat behaved while my son acts like a savage animal?”

“Because your son is a savage animal. Lobo trained for months with my quirk.”

“How long will it take for them to learn to control it?”

“Depends. Some take months; some take days to learn it.”

Endeavor was getting frustrated. “The other alpha, who is she?”

“She goes by the name Darleen.”

“Is that her real name?”

“Most likely not. She told me to call her that. Lobo called her Darcy. Some others called her Darla.”

“What functions has she in this organization?”

“She’s the queen.”

“Is she Lobo’s mate?”

“Tch, no! I’m his mate! She’s the queen of the king, of course!” Savage seemed a little more agitated now.

“What king then?”

“I don’t know. I never met him. He is not in Japan.”

“Do you have a name, then?” This got a lot more complicated. So the mastermind of all of this wasn’t even here in Japan?

“He goes by Loup-Garou. That’s all I know. I wasn’t high enough in rank to know more.” She scoffed a little.

“So Lobo was just the boss of a branch?”


“And what exactly was your job?” The flames on his face burned a little higher. He was pissed off.

“To strengthen the men. You see how much destruction one can cause. Darleen told me if the tests are successful, I would rise in rank and get the chance to meet Loup-Garou in person.”

Endeavor crossed his arms in front of his chest. “Where is that woman now?”

“I don’t know.”

“How does it make you feel that she left you and the others and saved her own ass?”

“She’s the queen! So it was important for her to flee. Our lives don’t matter in comparison to her …”

Endeavor tapped with his left index finger on his biceps. He was annoyed; they wouldn’t get anything more out of her. He stood and signaled the guard that he was done.

Savage smiled brightly. “Such a terrifying alpha, right?” She asked Hawks. The winged hero looked down at her.

“Sure is. You’re not afraid of him?”

“No. Lobo was more brutal.” Before she could say more, the policeman took her and rolled her out of the room. Hawks scratched the back of his head. What was up with this woman?



He followed Endeavor outside. “Where do we start now?” Hawks asked. The female alpha, Darleen, Darcy, Darla, however, her name was, had seemingly vanished from the face of the earth.

They now had a villain somewhere in the world that was behind all of this. What if Darleen had left Japan already? They could do nothing – at least not without solid evidence.

“We need to find out more about this Loup-Garou guy. Maybe we can trace him and find out more about him.” Endeavor marched to the car that was waiting for him and Hawks. He got inside.

The winged hero followed him. They were alone in the big car. There was a privacy screen that separated them from the driver. Hawks was a bit nervous. He looked up at the alpha.

“Yeah, I will listen around. Maybe some of my informants hear something,” the omega said.

“Do that …” Endeavor seemed to be in his own mind. He glared out of the window.

“By the way … yesterday I met up with one guy, and he told me that one of his alpha friends was bitten by that woman.”

“Hm?” Endeavor turned his head to look toward him. “How’s the guy holding up?”

“Well, it got better after almost three months. They had to lock him up most of the time.”

Enji huffed. “Three months …”

“It is a direction we can go in. I plan on telling the UA staff. But, hey, maybe Shoto is strong enough to overcome this in a shorter time!” He tried to cheer the older hero up.

“He will be stronger, of course!” He growled.

Something inside of Hawks tightened. Damn, Endeavor was intense. Being in a normal room with him was always a challenge, but being here in a small car with him … was something completely different.

Images of Endeavor pinning him down in the leather seats shot into his mind. He had always been a fan of Endeavor, so it was a dream come true when he got the chance to work with the alpha pro hero. But being this close to the man was really a challenge.

“Oi! Hawks!” Endeavor grumbled. The number two hero snapped out of his dirty fantasies.


“How about you control your pheromones? Are you in pre-heat or what?” He sounded annoyed.

“Ah, shit. I’m sorry. No, I’m supposed to go into heat by the end of next week.”

Endeavor scoffed. “You better stay away from me then. Don’t want anything to do with your shit.”

“Ouch? So no potential heat sharing to help out a friend?” He tried to make it sound teasing, but he was slightly hurt.

“Fuck no! I am double your age, boy,” he growled as he continued to look out of the window.

Hawks sighed a bit. “Too bad then …” Yeah, that really hurt.



Katsuki sighed. He was lying in his nest, alone this time. He wondered how Izuku and Eijiro were doing. His mind wandered to Eijiro’s lips on his. He still wasn’t happy about it. He never thought that the first kiss had to be something magical or shit like that. But that … that was a bit too much for his taste. At least he tried to convince himself that he hated it.

“Fucking hell, shitty hair,” he mumbled. His thoughts wandered. Eijiro had ground in him, pressed himself into Katsuki, kissing him. The omega in him had responded to the alpha that was manhandling him. This was so fucked up. Why would his body react so strongly to this?

The situation was utterly terrifying yet weirdly arousing. Katsuki shook his head vehemently. What the hell was he thinking? His best friend attacked him, kissed him forcefully, threw him on the ground, and scratched him, and he found that arousing? What the actual fuck was wrong with him?

He was disgusted by himself for thinking that! How could it possibly be arousing for him to be mistreated like that? Eijiro’s already big alpha body on top of him … the terrifying appearance of the Unbreakable beast over him. His hot breath against his skin …

The pure testosterone that he released, mixing with his mossy cedar scent … it was absolutely hell and heaven at the same time.

A sharp knock on his door brought him out of his thoughts. He was thankful for it. “What is it?” he asked.

The door opened, and to his surprise, it was Denki. He looked really unsure. “Hey … can I come in?”

Katsuki sighed. “Sure …”

Denki closed the door behind him and walked over to the chair next to Katsuki’s desk. Katsuki mustered him, and he could see big, dark circles under Denki’s eyes. He looked almost like the brainwasher.

Nervously he fidgeted with his hands. “H-how … are you holding up?” he asked. His voice was weak.

“I’m good … It just sucks that shitty hair, and Deku are locked up …” Katsuki growled a little.

“Yeah … and Hitoshi and Shoto too …” he added.

“Yeah, those too.”

Denki didn’t say anything after that. Katsuki got a little irritated. What did he want? He could see that the beta had something on his mind.

“Goddammit! Spit it out. What’s wrong?” Katsuki growled.

The beta flinched and looked like a deer in headlights. “I …” He exhaled heavily. “You see, I can’t sleep since they attacked us … You know that Izuku attacked me, right?”

“Yeah, I heard that. What happened there anyway?”

Denki looked uncomfortable. “After Mezo got out with Mina and Toru, we tried blocking the doors so they couldn’t follow. But as soon as the omegas were out, they shifted their focus to the next best, I guess …”

He shivered at the thought of what had happened next. “Hitoshi attacked me; he tried to bite me, I shocked him, but this didn’t seem to bother him. But suddenly, Izuku knocked him off me. This dislocated his shoulder, and he retreated. Izuku then forced me to the ground, but Rikido and Tenya grabbed him. But Izuku lashed out with his full cowl. It was so scary.”

“Eijiro and Shoto growled and snarled all the time. This seemed to piss off Izuku, and he attacked them too. The force he used was so scary. I don’t exactly know what happened. It was so fast. But he punched Eijiro and Shoto down, fought against Tenya and Rikido, and held off Dark Shadow all at once.”

“Not even thirty seconds later, the alphas were down, and then we heard it. His alpha authority was so strong! And then he did it …” Denki gulped, and Katsuki saw the sheer panic in his eyes. A panic he knew all too well. “He alpha commanded us …” His voice broke down.

“What? Oi, but you are a beta! The others were too, and alphas?! H-how was it possible for him to command you?” Katsuki was shocked. He couldn’t believe it, yet one look at Kaminari made it clear that he spoke the truth.

“I-I don’t know! It wasn’t long, but it was the scariest thing ever! The feeling of the complete loss of control …” Tears spilled out of Denki’s eyes.

Katsuki knew it; he knew how scary an alpha command was. He had experienced it firsthand, and even he broke down. So he could imagine all too well how it must be for Denki. Besides, Denki was a beta and usually didn’t have to fear an alpha command.

The omega released some calming pheromones. Then, he grabbed Denki’s arm and squeezed it. “I know how that feels …”

“R-right … Tenya … Sorry, I forgot.” He rubbed over his cheeks. “I just can’t stop thinking about it. What would have happened if the pros were late, even a few seconds? He was about to bite me! He would have forcefully taken me as a mate! The thought of that is so scary!”

Katsuki’s jaw clenched. He hadn’t thought of that! Eijiro had tried to bite him too. What if Ochako hadn’t interfered? The alpha would have mated him! That was indeed a damn scary thought.

“Yeah … now that I think about it …”

“And Momo, she was attacked by Izuku too. And the things that Eijiro said, that you’re his omega and stuff like that …”

Katsuki nodded. “Yeah, fuck … this was all in all a fucked up experience.”

“It was, and that’s why I came to you … I don’t know how to handle that. I mean, I don’t know how it is for you as an omega. I am a male beta, so I’m basically worthless. I am so confused why he would go after me …” Denki grabbed his head with both hands.

“Wait? Why do you say you’re worthless?” Katsuki was confused. “You’re a beta. Omegas are the weakest in the food chain.” He raised an eyebrow.

Denki scoffed a little. “Strength-wise, maybe, but not even that is true anymore. You could kick my ass, and we both know that. You could kick most alphas’ asses for sure … But I talk in terms of purpose here! A male beta is worthless! Most females are after alphas! You know my luck with the girls; they never go for the betas. Only if they aren’t lucky enough to get an alpha …”

“Are you dumb? What’s with earlobe? She’s all over you!” Katsuki was irritated. Was this stupid moron really that dumb not to notice that?

“Kyoka and I are friends! She would never stay with someone like me, even if there were something. Not if the right alpha comes by. I’ve seen her look at them. Male betas are not desired! I would rather be an omega than a male beta so that I could have a purpose.”

“You didn’t just say that? You are really, really dumb, dunce face,” Katsuki got angry. He still hated it to be an omega. He wished to be at least a beta, and here stupid dunce face was, complaining about that.

Denki looked shocked at him. “Wha-?”

“That is ancient stuff you’re talking about! There are plenty of beta pairs. It’s, in fact, the most common thing! The world is full of betas, and there are more betas than there will ever be alphas or omegas!” Katsuki stood up and grabbed him by the shoulders.

“Besides, you fucking idiot seem to forget we are in high school! Are you already thinking of starting a family, or what? What do you expect from a bunch of teenage girls? Of course, they will go after the alphas! Everything is new. Everything is different. Give them a few years, and they’ll come around! Teenage romance is mostly fucked up anyway,” he scoffed. He crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Oh … oh god! I forgot that you don’t like to be an omega. And here I am, talking about wanting to be one … Sorry!” Denki blushed a little.

“Tch, whatever. But stop thinking about all that shit, okay? You’re too young to think about getting a mate, settle, or stuff.” He shrugged.

Denki stared at him, still wide-eyed. “Y-you … wow, thanks, I didn’t know you would give me this kind of advice …”

Katsuki froze. He started to blush. “I didn’t do shit! But I can’t stand you talking bullshit like that,” he snarled.

Denki smiled. “Still, thanks!”

Katsuki sat down in his nest again. “Whatever …” He stared at Denki. His face was still hot. “Oh, and to answer your question, how I felt about the attack …” he ruffled through his hair. “I am confused … I hated it, of course, but the omega in me ... was fucking turned on because there was an alpha on top of me!” Denki gasped.

“Before you came, I was thinking about it. It confused me, and it scared me. It’s fucking annoying. But I guess that’s one of the drawbacks of being an omega.”

“Wow, that is fucked up …”

“Yeah, it is. I don’t know what to think about that. It’s so confusing. I don’t want to think about Eijiro in that way. He’s my friend, and stuff like this only makes it awkward.”

“I guess I know what you mean … What about Izuku?”

“Pff, the same. I have known him since I am a little pup. It fucking annoys me that my omega instincts make this stuff so weird just because they are alphas.” He exhaled deeply. “But I guess it is what it is.”

“Yeah, this must be awkward,” Denki mumbled.

“You have no idea …” Katsuki thought about the situation when he presented, how he was mad at Eijiro for pushing him away. It seemed so far in the past; it was scary that it was just a few months ago …

They talked for a little while before Denki decided it was time for bed. He was exhausted. Katsuki tried to ban all the thoughts about Eijiro and Izuku from his mind and tried to sleep as well. He needed the rest.

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